Linking this phase to other framework components

Linking this element to other framework components

 Linking this phase to elements of the Social Movement Action Framework:

You and your change team’s capacity in the ‘Monitor knowledge use’ phase may be enhanced and/or accelerated by the addition of some of the elements of the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework, as the two frameworks are complementary and used together to accelerate change uptake and sustainability. In addition to the linking example described earlier in this section, there can be many other points of connection between the two frameworks. Below are two more examples for your consideration:   

  • Intrinsic motivation: You and your change team can consider intrinsic motivation as a factor that positively contributes to the use of evidence in their local settings. Intrinsic motivation can be assessed by the individuals’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about the change. The more intrinsically motivated the staff, the more likely they are to adhere to the change. 
  • Emerging leadership: Emerging leadership takes a natural progression in the team, whether it is formal or informal leadership, and can lead to the monitoring of knowledge use. Emerging leaders act as influential role models and knowledge brokers who can positively impact knowledge, attitudes and beliefs towards the change and the adherence to the change. 

For more discussion about the dynamic links between the elements of the SMA Framework to the KTA Framework, see the section ‘Accelerate your success with the Leading Change Toolkit™’.

Getting Ready for Next Phase: Once you have monitored the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of stakeholders of the practice change, you are now ready to evaluate the outcomes of the practice change. You and your team will be answering questions like, ‘How has the change affect clinical practice?’ and ‘How has the change affect patient and other related outcomes?’