Additional resources

Additional resources
Name of resource  Description

Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences Implementation Strategies Toolkit

In this toolkit, you will find definitions of strategies and resources on how to map your strategy to an implementation framework.

American Hospital Association’s Community Health Assessment Toolkit

This toolkit offers a nine-step pathway for conducting a community health assessment and developing implementation strategies. Click on the icon for each step to read about that part of the process.

Strategies that map on to the Expert Recommendations for Implementation Change (ERIC) taxonomy (Powell et al., 2017)

This peer-reviewed article includes 73 strategies that were identified and defined by a panel of experts in implementation and clinical practice settings. 

Strategies that map on to the Behaviour Change taxonomy (Michie et al., 2013)

This peer-reviewed article includes 93 strategies (which authors define as behaviour change techniques) that were identified by a panel of experts in behaviour change interventions.

Knowledge Translation: Introduction to Models, Strategies, and Measures

The Centre on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research includes a knowledge translation library of resources, one of which includes an overview of the effectiveness of implementation strategies.