The issue
A significant increase to the nurse practitioner (NP) workforce in Ontario is long overdue. RNAO’s Vision for Tomorrow puts forward eight recommendations for expanding and supporting the supply of and use of NPs in Ontario. Integrating more NPs in the health-care workforce and expanding their roles and scope will increase health equity and access to health care in our province. NPs can play a critical role in achieving the government’s health system transformation goals and meeting the objectives of the quadruple aim: improved patient experience, improved patient outcomes, lower cost of care and improved provider experience.
Take action
Fund nurse practitioners in primary care, premier!
An urgent call for more nurse practitioners (NP)
Nurse Practitioner Interest Group (NPIG)
NPIG endeavours to strengthen the NP role in Ontario’s health-care system by supporting and representing action on behalf of NPs in collaboration with RNAO's board of directors. Visit NPIG's website.

Become an RNAO member to join this interest group
NP policy documents
Other policy documents related to NPs:
- Vision for Tomorrow: Fact sheet, November 2023
- RNAO NP Research Chair, November 2021
- Expanded Scope of NP Practice - Letter to Hon. Christine Elliott, October 2021
- RNAO's Response to Premier Hon. Doug Ford RE: Mandatory Vaccination a Benefit for Hospitals , October 2021
- A message to Premier Ford and Minister Fullerton re: Jan 8, 2021 directives, February 2021
- Expand Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice: Implementing Point-of-Care Testing, Aug 2020
- RNAO letter to Minister Elliot re: NP, RN, RPN expanded scope, June 2019
- Increase access to care by fully utilizing NPs, 2019
- RN/NP workforce backgrounder, 2019
- Fully utilizing Nurse Practitioners: Prescribing controlled substances and other expanded authority, 2017