Common problems

Here are some common problems you and your change team may experience when using framing, and some suggested strategies to address them.

Problem area Strategies to resolve the problem
Mismatched frame - The frame doesn’t align with the target audience’s values and beliefs

Identify the target audience; develop alternative messaging developed to make sure your messaging aligns with the prioritized values and needs of the audience.

Trial or pilot the frame and get feedback on whether it resonates with hearts and minds. If it doesn't, rethink the message and/or the messenger.  

Scope – The scope of the frame is too broad or too narrow

Align the frame with the shared concern or the desired change.

Use more than one frame in cases of complex shared concerns, where needed.

Exhaustion – The frame is used multiple times, so people don’t notice it, or they get tired of it

Be creative with framing to spark attention and interest.

Consider the other elements of framing to support the narrative including tone, images and data.

Relevance – The frame is out of touch or contradicted by current events, or it may not align with the current stage of the social movement

Pilot or trial the frame to make sure it has meaning for the target audience.

Make sure you incorporate current examples.

Be willing to reframe or reposition the messaging of the social movement as it evolves and develops to make sure it stays current and relevant.  

SOURCES: Bevan et al., 2011; Bibby et al., 2009; Dementia Action Alliance, 2009.