Additional resources

Additional resources
Name of resource Description
Mobilizing collective identity to reduce HIV risk among sex workers (Ghose et al., 2010) A study on how collective identity and collective action supported the efforts of a community coalition to reduce the risk of HIV transmission.
Toolkit for developing a public narrative (ReThink Health, 2017) A toolkit with exercises and worksheets that adapts Ganz’s 2008 public narrative strategy ‘The Story of Self, Us and Now’ to motivate action through a social movement. ‘The Story of Us’ is described as a tool to help support the development of a collective identity.  
Improvisation during a crisis: hidden innovation in healthcare systems (Wiedner et al., 2020) The development of a collective identity of a team of health-care providers is described. Their collective identity emerged as a result of their collaborative efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic.