Linking this key characteristic to other framework components

Linking this element to other framework components

Linking to the other elements of the Social Movement Action Framework:

Each of the elements of the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework is dynamic and interrelated. For example, the shared concern, goals and vision of the social movement can be communicated through framing. The people that take part in change are intrinsically motivated. As the social movement evolves, formal and informal leaders emerge. The need for change drives forward momentum and supports individual and collective action that is held in public spaces to increase visibility. 

Linking to the action cycle phases of the Knowledge-to-Action Framework:

You and your change team’s capacity in social movement actions may be enhanced and/or accelerated by the addition of some of the action cycle phases of the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework, as the two frameworks are complementary. In addition to the linking example described earlier in this section, there can be many other points of connection between the two frameworks. Here are two more examples:    

  • Identify the problem: By using the KTA Framework, you can clearly outline what the existing issue and/or problem of concern for you and your change team is. Identifying the problem links back to the two main forces that drive the urgent need to take action: 1) it builds pressure for a shared concern or a strongly desired change to be addressed, and 2) it serves as a point of interaction within your team and (potentially) other stakeholders to recognize the need for change.
  • Adapt knowledge to local context: Does the shared concern get interpreted across local contexts by different groups of stakeholders? Does it manifest differently? Is the urgent need and readiness to take action to address this concern uniformly shared across different groups and contexts? These are some of the questions to ask yourself and your change team to decide how this urgency can - or cannot - be mobilized in your setting.

For more discussion about the dynamic links between the elements of the SMA Framework to one another and to the KTA Framework, see the section "Accelerate your success with the Leading Change Toolkit™".