Check your progress

check your progress

Use the checklist below to support change teams’ progress with scaling up a change initiative.   

  • Develop a roadmap - Determine where in which order and when the change will be scaled up. This will likely be influenced by change agents’ and groups’ perceptions of readiness, degree of collective identity, available budget, and/or timelines. Use data to determine priority areas and sites most likely to succeed.
  • Set up change agents for success  - Ensure change agents have all the information, tools, templates, and other necessary resources needed to lead the scaled change. Ensure a contact person or mentor is available for questions, feedback, or concerns.   
  • Be patient - Provide staff and others new to the change with clear steps of what is required. Be patient and remember that scaling takes time and careful planning. Time invested in supporting new adopters is time well spent.  
  • Have a support system available to all adopters - Everyone involved in scaling needs a support system. This can include written information, tools and templates for documentation and data collection, and tips and lessons learned from other sites where the change has been implemented. Communication materials can support standardized messaging.
  • Continue to monitor and evaluate  - It is important to continue to monitor and evaluate the impact of the innovation following scaling as added or new benefits may be determined in new sites. New challenges may also be identified through monitoring and evaluation.  
  • Establish shared infrastructure and platforms, where applicable  - In cases where sites are accessing shared or similar information, it can be helpful to have shared infrastructure or platforms. Using these can reduce costs and improve consistent implementation practices. 
  • Grow the network of change agents - Channels such as a community of practice can act as a network for change agents and help them to access the support, enthusiasm, insights and lessons learned of others. Networks can also support the engagement of everyone involved in the scaled initiative.  
  • Seek to be consistent and flexible with the scaled change  - Consistency is needed with scaling to recreate the benefits of the change. Nonetheless, it is essential that the change can be adapted to the local context so that the change agents can make the change their own and maximize success.