Additional resources

Additional resources
Name of resource Description
What is an infographic? A guide on how to use infographics as a communication tool to engage stakeholders and make information memorable (FoodARC, 2020) A PowerPoint presentation on how to use infographics to convey complex information and data.

Social Media Use: Common Expectations for Nurses (International Nurse Regulators Collaborative, 2016)

Tips on how to use social media that align with professional principles including accountability and integrity. The six ‘P’s of effective social media practices are described including being positive and patient/person-free to avoid any possible breaches of confidentiality.
10 tips for social media success (NHS Horizons, NHS England, 2018) Ten tips on effective use of social media including be authentic and respect confidentiality and professional boundaries.
Healthcare social media 101: Getting started with social media marketing for practice (Patientpop, undated) Includes details on how to measure the effective use of social media including metrics such as new followers, reach and engagement.
Social Media Guidelines for Nurses (RNAO, 2020) Tips on how to build a constructive and respectful presence on social media that adheres to professional values and behaviours.
Becoming a Public Thought Leader in 140 Characters or Less. How Nurses Can Use Social Media as a Platform (Shattell & Darmoc, 2017)

An editorial paper on how nurses can use social media platforms including Twitter to become a public thought leaders.