Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario


New Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship streams: Application deadline is July 27

The Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship (ACPF) program gives RNs and NPs the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge, and expertise while advancing a project that will meet a need or gap in service within their organization, with the support from a mentor/mentoring team, their organization and RNAO. 
The ACPF program has introduced four new streams for fellowships:

  1. Leading Change in Evidence-Based Practice 
  2. Equity in Nursing and Health
  3. Health and Wellbeing
  4. Long-Term Care

The request for proposals was issued on May 13, 2022 for a new round of ACPFs.  Fellowships will occur during the period of Oct. 4, 2022 – Feb. 1, 2023. 

The deadline for submissions is July 27, 2022.
For more information, please go online

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