Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario


Call on provincial party leaders to be an ally to Black nurses

Sign and share RNAO’s Action Alert to urge all provincial party leaders to add the Black Nurses Task Force (BNTF) recommendations to their election platforms. The recent report by the BNTF, Acknowledging, Addressing and Tackling Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination Within the Nursing Profession, provides a comprehensive set of recommendations to dismantle anti-black racism and discrimination in nursing. 

The BNTF has opened the door for everyone to become allies by challenging the injustices of the past and by building a fair and better future for Black nurses and, by extension, all of us. 

Join RNAO’s call to all provincial party leaders to be an ally and add BNTF recommendations to their election platforms. Sign and share RNAO’s Action Alert and retweet RNAO's tweet

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