Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario


Action Alerts - July 2022

Repeal Bill 124

Our health system is in a full-blown crisis owing to a desperate shortage of nurses – particularly, RNs. Over the past two-and-a-half years – and counting – nurses across Ontario have selflessly cared for the people of Ontario while risking their own health and safety and that of their loved ones.

From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, front-line nurses have spoken loudly and clearly about the profound unfairness of Bill 124 and the detrimental impact the bill has had on their work and lives. It has compelled many RNs to leave for better opportunities elsewhere. The provincial government must immediately listen and repeal Bill 124.

Join RNAO's call to the premier to immediately #RepealBill124. Sign and share RNAO's Action Alert

Double ODSP rates to lift people out of poverty

Tens of thousands of people who rely on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) are falling further behind because their income has been frozen since 2018. Their ability to find adequate housing, pay for essentials and live with any sense of dignity and hope are being further compromised given sky-high inflation. 

In July, RNAO issued a media release, Action Alert and letter to Premier Doug Ford to launch its campaign urging the provincial government to double rates immediately and index future increases to inflation.

The media release shares the story of Scott Ferguson, son of retired nurse Una Ferguson and one of more than 417,000 Ontarians who relies on ODSP to live. “Living like this makes me feel subhuman. I rely on ODSP for all of my living expenses. I rarely get to go out. If it wasn't for having a roommate I would probably be out of a home and if it wasn’t for my mother, I probably wouldn't be eating,” says Mr. Ferguson. 

RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun also shares in the release, “It’s cruel that we force people with disabilities, like Mr. Ferguson, to live in utter poverty. Ontario is a rich province and we can and must do better. All Ontarians deserve to have adequate shelter, to be able to afford a healthy diet and to realize their full potential as individuals.”

Join RNAO’s call: Sign and share the Action Alert calling on Premier Doug Ford to double the ODSP rate immediately and ensure no one with a disability is forced to live in poverty. For all of RNAO’s Action Alerts, visit

All of RNAO’s letters are available in its policy library and all media releases are available in its newsroom

An open letter to the Ontario government: Access to health care for all

RNAO joined more than 90 organizations in an open letter to the Ontario government calling for the implementation of a permanent program that ensures all Ontarians can access health-care services. 

In March 2020, the Ontario government removed long-standing barriers to medically necessary care for people in Ontario without health insurance. The directive introduced two milestone changes in making health-care accessible: removal of the three-month waiting period for newcomers, new inland permanent residents, and returning Canadian citizens, and funding for health-care services for individuals without public health insurance. These changes have significantly improved health-care access and health outcomes of uninsured people living in Ontario. 

Join RNAO in signing the open letter to urge the Ontario government to implement a permanent program to ensure universal access to health-care services, independent of insurance status. 

The deadline to add your signature is 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday, July 30

If you have any questions, please contact

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