Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario


Submission on changes to Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 regulations

On Feb. 17, RNAO submitted feedback to the Ministry of Long-Term Care (LTC) on the proposed phase one regulations for the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA). In this submission, RNAO provided 14 recommendations for significant regulatory amendments, beyond what has been proposed in the draft regulations. These regulatory changes are needed to address the same critical deficiencies that RNAO identified in Bill 37, which hinder the act from making a real and positive difference for LTC residents and staff.

RNAO’s urges that our proposed regulatory amendments for the FLTCA are paramount to ensure improved public transparency in the sector, to implement clear and objective standards for all LTC homes, and to assure that all residents are provided with the standard of care they require and deserve.

Read the full submission online.

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