Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario


RNAO’s Black Nurses Task Force release groundbreaking report

Marking Black History Month, RNAO’s Black Nurses Task Force (BNTF) released its report titled Acknowledging, Addressing and Tackling Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination Within the Nursing Profession during a media conference on Feb. 8.
BNTF co-chairs Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite (RNAO past president) and NP Corsita Garraway, task force members Daria Adèle Juüdi-Hope and Dania Versailles (who are also the co-chairs of RNAO’s Black Nurses Leading Change interest group), and RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun (moderator) provided the nearly 200 attendees with an overview of the report, which includes 19 recommendations to tackle structural racism within nursing organizations, regulatory bodies, associations and the broader health-care systems that are targeted towards and experienced by Black nurses. The report focuses on education and awareness building, research, advocacy, and partnership with allies and stakeholders. 

In case you missed it, watch the full media conference on RNAO’s YouTube channel and read the live Twitter coverage.

The report garnered a lot of media attention including: 

To learn more about the BNTF, explore the Black Nurses and RNAO in focus webpage on RNAO’s website.

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