Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario

When you’re sick, you expect to be cared for by the right provider to keep you healthy and safe. But that is not always the case in our province these days.

Ontario has the lowest RN-to-population ratio in the country. To cut costs, RNs are being replaced with less qualified and less expensive care providers.

RNs are trained to provide person-centred care for patients with the most complex needs, and evidence shows RN care reduces complications and deaths. So having fewer RNs means your safety is at risk.

Ontario's population is aging and its needs are changing. If we're going to keep pace, we can't get tripped up by short-sighted budgetary decisions. We need the right care providers at the right time, and that means reclaiming the role of the RN in the name of patient safety.

Learn more about RNAO's research and recommendations by reading the full report.

RNAO's recommendations
for health system transformation

The MOHLTC develop a provincial evidence-based interprofessional HHR plan to align population health needs and the full scope of practice of all regulated health professions with system priorities.

The MOHLTC and LHINs issue a moratorium on nursing skill mix changes until a comprehensive interprofessional HHR plan is completed.

LHINs mandate the use of organizational models of nursing care delivery that advance care continuity and avoid fragmented care.

The MOHLTC legislate an all-RN nursing workforce in acute care effective within two years for tertiary, quaternary and cancer centres (Group A and D) and within five years for large community hospitals (Group B).

LHINs require that all first home health-care visits be completed by an RN.

The MOHLTC, LHINs and employers eliminate all barriers, and enable NPs to practise to full scope, including: prescribing controlled substances; acting as most responsible provider (MRP) in all sectors; implementing their legislated authority to admit, treat, transfer and discharge hospital in-patients; and utilizing fully the NP-anaesthesia role inclusive of intraoperative care.

The MOHLTC legislate minimum staffing standards in LTC homes: one attending NP per 120 residents, 20 per cent RNs, 25 per cent RPNs and 55 per cent personal support workers.

LHINs locate the 3,500 CCAC care co-ordinators within primary care to provide health system care coordination and navigation, which are core functions of interprofessional primary care.