Sign and share petition for fair and equitable compensation for nurses

More must be done to end Ontario’s nursing crisis so Ontarians can get the care they need.
I urge you to print, sign and circulate the RNAO's petition that calls on the government and employers to implement evidence-based recommendations to retain and recruit nurses.
Fair and equitable compensation has long been recognized as critical to nurse retention. A recent hospital arbitration award is a first step in addressing the history of undervaluing and poorly compensating nurses in our province, thanks to the Ontario Nurses’ Association.
In real terms, the award returns hospital nursing wages to pre-Bill 124 levels which were still below 2010 levels. More work is needed to improve nursing salaries and ensure wage parity for nurses across all health sectors – from public health, to primary care, to hospitals, home care and long-term care.
In addition to better compensation, the Ontario government and all employers must provide nurses with thriving work environments. This means environments where RNs, NPs and RPNs, can deliver safe and quality care. Places where nurses will want to stay to build their careers. Immediate actions include: ensuring safe workloads with adequate staffing and appropriate skill mix; addressing equity, diversity and inclusivity; expanding scope of practice; and enhancing career advancement opportunities for all.
Please sign this petition and distribute it among your colleagues, family, friends, neighbours and any resident of Ontario.
The petition will be tabled in the legislature by NDP MPP for Waterloo Catherine Fife in the fall, and we thank her.
Return signed copies by mail to Ann-Marie Morris. RNAO’s mailing address is listed on the front of the petition. The Ontario legislature does not accept electronic petitions.
Thank you for taking political action as we continue to speak out for nurses and speak out for health. Through this petition, your voice will be heard again at Queen’s Park.
If you have questions, please email health policy coordinator Ann-Marie at
Warmest regards,
Dr. Doris Grinspun, RN, BScN, MSN, PhD, LLD(hon), Dr(hc), DHC, FAAN, FCAN, O.ONT.
Chief Executive Officer
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO)