Importante/Atención: Es posible que este archivo descargable no contenga la edición vigente de esta pauta de práctica clínica. Consulte la versión en inglés de esta pauta para ver la edición más actualizada.
The purpose of this guideline is to provide direction for nurses who work with children and families across diverse practice settings and at population, family*, and/or individual levels.
Practice Recommendations* relate to population, family, and child/adolescent focused strategies to prevent obesity, promote healthy eating, and increase physical activity.
Education Recommendations* are identified to encourage nursing competency in primary prevention and health promotion.
Organization and Policy Recommendations* have been developed to address the importance of a supportive practice environment as an enabling factor for providing high quality evidence-based nursing care, which includes ongoing evaluation of guideline implementation.
* Definitions found in the Glossary of Terms (Appendix A).