Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario

Prévention de la violence, du harcèlement et de l’intimidation contre les travailleurs de la santé

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Violence against health workers is already endemic and growing rapidly. To stem and reverse that risk, the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) has issued an updated edition of its Workplace Violence, Harassment and Bullying Against Health Workers best practice guideline (BPG).

The BPG provides 15 evidence-based recommendations for health service organizations and academic institutions so they can recognize, prevent and manage violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace, changes that will enable nurses and other health professionals to focus even more care on patients. Recommendations focus on: (1) risk assessment tools and strategies; (2) organizational policies, procedures, and responsibilities; and (3) educational approaches and strategies.

The second edition of this guideline builds upon the most recent and relevant evidence to improve earlier guidelines issued in 2008 and 2009.