Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario


Fall Tour (Sept. 12-23): Chapters/regions and interest groups invited to host a visit with RNAO

RNAO will celebrate its eighth-annual Fall Tour with our CEO, president and immediate past-president from Sept. 12 through Sept. 23. This tour is an opportunity for chapters, regions without a chapter and interest groups to host visits with their members and the public and discuss thoughts, ideas and questions related to nursing, health and health care.

The tour will also highlight RNAO’s advocacy achievements over the past year.  

Collectively, we have much to be proud of, including:

We have also launched the In Focus theme pages that recognize specific areas of comprehensive and in-depth work by RNAO and its members related to health equity, health system transformation and leading change. Check our 2021-2022 Annual Report and attend a Fall Tour to be re-energized and inspired!   

This year’s tour will be offered to: Chapters, regions without a chapter, and interest groups. The Fall Tour can take place in person and virtually (hybrid), or just in person and just virtual. 

If you are considering hosting an in-person visit, please include one or more site visits and a meet and greet gathering. If you are considering hosting a virtual visit, please open it to all nurses and members of the public. Local media will be invited to attend Fall Tour visits as well. 

Wherever possible, RNAO would like to highlight the work of Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) in your region. Our team can work with you to invite BPSOs or BPSO Ontario Health teams to participate or host a site visit. 

To apply, please fill out this online application by Monday, July 18. All requests will be considered on a first come, first served basis. 

We recommend gathering a team of at least five members to form your planning committee for the event.

Last Updated: 