Aric Rankin

Aric Rankin

Primary care NP Aric Rankin has always had a passion for working with Indigenous communities. Since traveling to work in isolated northern First Nation communities early in his career, and then working with urban Indigenous communities in Southwestern Ontario as an NP, he has always felt a strong connection to this work. Rankin is pursuing a PhD in nursing with a focus on bridging the gap of health inequity in Canada. He also works at De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre in Hamilton, and provides day-to-day primary care services for families. Additionally, he mentors other NPs through RNAO’s Nurse Practitioner Mentorship Program, and evaluates NP OSCE exams and teaches NP student workshops at McMaster University. Rankin always finds time to speak out for nurses, and regularly attends RNAO advocacy events. “Being actively involved and informed within the nursing profession has contributed to my ability to provide the best care while working with the communities I serve,” he says, suggesting he has grown as a leader by embracing these opportunities and learning from his clients. With three kids and one on the way, Rankin says he will continue to work as a clinician in the years to come so he can continue to advocate for nurses.