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Building a psychologically safe workplace (Edmondson, 2014) This resource describes the benefits of psychological safety and how it contributes to learning and innovation. It presents some steps to building psychological safety, including framing change as a learning problem in times of uncertainty.  
Building and aligning energy for change (Land, Hex, Bartlett, 2013) This resource covers the five types of energy. It covers initial concept testing to measure each energy type, as well as related concepts and theory.
From compliance to commitment: build energy for change (Land, Hex, Bevan & Hunt, 2014) This discussion paper addresses the domains of energy, and how to use an assessment of the five types of energy to raise the level of commitment to change. 
NHS Energy for change animation (NHS Horizons, NHS England, 2013) This video on the role and impact of energy shows how energy has the power to fuel change by individuals and teams, as leaders united by a common goal.
‘Start with Why’ TedTalks (Sinek, 2009) This book and presentation by Simon Sinek describes an approach to change that emphasizes an individual’s purpose (or the question "Why?") as a driver for action.