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About this event:

The growing shortage of staff, combined with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis that has been raging for the past four years, has had a real or perceived negative impact on the quality of the care we provide to meet the complex needs of our patients in a holistic, evidence-based way. This problem is reflected, among other things, in the number and content of incidents (some critical), absenteeism from work and the feeling of a lack of accomplishment of a job well done, which can go as far as moral distress, and even an increase in the turnover rate, especially of new and newly graduated employees. 

To better equip our teams (both clinical and non-clinical) to return to best practices, our professional practice team, in collaboration with internal expertise and external partnerships, has resumed practice enhancement activities through theme days. To align the activity with other internal priorities and considering our patients’ population, we chose the theme “Senior-centered Care” to start the series. The theme day consisted of kiosks on specific practices:

  • Falls Prevention
  • Delirium, Dementia and Depression
  • Palliative Care Tips
  • Pressure Injury Prevention and Wound Care
  • Therapeutic Surfaces to Prevent Pressure Injuries
  • Collaborative and Interprofessional Care Models

Short videos of each kiosk were taken and made available for staff internally. The activity tied in perfectly with the various organizational priorities: 1) interprofessional and collaborative model of care, 2) access to safe, effective patient care and 3) staff retention. These theme days also serve as a window on best practices, including those stemming from research conducted by Hôpital Montfort employees, while consolidating the interprofessional perspective of care.

Therefore, this webinar will allow participants to:

  1. Discover strategies to reinvigorate care teams to the reality of best practice guidelines (BPG)
  2. Understand the incorporation of interprofessional teams as experts and champions of BPG-related practices

Presenters and credentials:

Camille Brunet, BScN, MScN, advisor to the Nursing Professional Practice, Hôpital Montfort