Registed Nurses' Association of Ontario

Supporting Clients on Methadone Maintenance Treatment

Project / Initiative: 
Mental Health & Addiction Initiative
Type of Guideline: 
Publication date: 
About this Guideline:

The RNAO Best Practice Guideline Supporting Clients on Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT; 2009) was retired in October 2020. RNAO encourages users of this guideline to review RNAO’s Best Practice Guidelines: Engaging Clients who Use Substances (2015) and Implementing Supervised Injection Services (SIS; 2018).  The related file (below) “Comparing MMT (2009) to Engaging Clients Who Use Substances (2015) and SIS (2018)” outlines how content from the MMT BPG is covered within these two more recent BPGs.

Translations for this Guideline: 
Online Courses: