Best Practice Guidelines
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October 2024

The purpose of this guideline is to provide nurses and members of the interprofessional team, persons at risk of or living with a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) and their care partners with evidence-based recommendations on the prevention, assessment and management of DFUs. 

March 2024

The purpose of this BPG is to foster nurses’ ability to maintain, advance, and strengthen professional practice in the
context of a digital health environment.

March 2008

The guideline contains recommendations for registered nurses and registered practical nurses on best nursing practices in the area of paediatric asthma. It is intended for nurses who may not be experts in asthma care and who work in a variety of practice settings across the continuum of care.

May 2010

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to address the nursing assessment and management of stable, unstable and acute dyspnea associated with COPD.

March 2007

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to: 
• improve outcomes for venous leg ulcer clients, 
• assist practitioners to apply the best available research evidence to clinical decisions, and 
• promote the responsible use of healthcare resources.

September 2011

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to provide evidence-based recommendations for registered nurses and registered practical nurses on best nursing practices for end-of-life care during the last days and hours of life.

February 2012

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to provide evidence-based recommendations for registered nurses (RNs) and registered practical nurses (RPNs) related to the care of individuals who are at risk for behaviours that may result in harm to self/others and lead to the possible use of restraints (physical, chemical, environmental). Unless otherwise indicated in the guideline, the discussion focus is on physical restraint. 

July 2014

The purposes of this best practice guideline (BPG) are to expand the awareness of abuse and neglect of older adults and to provide evidence-based recommendations for preventing and addressing abuse and neglect in all health-care settings across the continuum of care in Canada.

July 2018

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to enhance the capacity of nurses, the interprofessional team, peers, policy-makers, and employers to meet the needs of breastfeeding persons, their healthy term newborns, infants, and young children, and their partners, family, and support network.

May 2017

The purpose of this best practice guideline (BPG) is to provide nurses and other health-care providers with evidence-based recommendations of foundational asthma care for adults with a diagnosis of asthma.