Linking this precondition to other framework components

Linking this element to other framework components

Linking to other elements of the Social Movement Action Framework

Each of the elements of the Social Movement Action (SMA) Framework is dynamic and interrelated. For example, change that is valued and necessary is linked to receptivity to change because it indicates that there is agreement amongst some a group of individuals of the value and need for change. This is also linked to knowledge of social movement actions because it gives change teams the ability to understand how change, when valued, can act as a powerful driver for action.

This can also: 

  • help change teams to position or frame an issue in ways that can resonate with others by engaging their hearts and minds
  • link to individuals’ intrinsic motivation and commitment to engaging in the change

Linking to the action cycle phases of the Knowledge-to-Action Framework

You and your change team’s capacity in social movement actions may be enhanced and/or accelerated by the addition of some of the action cycle phases of the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework. There can be many points of connection between the two frameworks. Here are two examples to consider:   

  • Adapt knowledge to local context: To ensure that the identified problem can be addressed effectively, you and your change team should consider contextual factors such as the presence of formal and informal leaders, the attitudes of stakeholders who will affect or be affected by the change, and the availability of resources. These considerations will help you to determine whether there is an opportunity for change.
  • Assess barriers and facilitators: Identify and assess the barriers and facilitators that will help the change or hinder it. Identifying these important factors can help you and your change team to determine whether the change is timely.

For more discussion about the dynamic links between the elements of the SMA Framework to one another and to the KTA Framework, see "Accelerate your success with two complementary frameworks".