Greta Meekis
Greta Meekis

Booshoo! From Sandy Lake First Nation BPSO (Indigenous Focused). Our team consists of me, Greta Meekis (Team Lead – Child Wellness), Lyndsey Kakepetum (Prenatal Nutrition), and Carmel Meekis (Indigenous doula – Maternal Child Health). 

I felt total gratification for our recognition as we accept the honoured friend of nursing award. We have persistently collaborated and worked diligently, encouraging each other to reach our goal. Our voice has been heard from North Western Ontario. We are able to voice our concerns for clients and health professionals to work in unison to bring forth better health care alongside with our traditions. It is not I, alone. We worked together as a team. 

We will continue to grow our team and foremost build trust for one another.

Kitchi miigwetch

Catherine Joan Rae
Catherine Joan Rae

My name is Catherine Joan Rae and I am the health director for Sandy Lake First Nation.  I have worked in the health field for many years.  My goal has been for my home community to have access to the best health care and to lead happy, active and healthy lives. 

The Honoured Friend of Nursing Award is awarded to individual(s) who have made outstanding contributions to the nursing profession. The individual will have shown outstanding leadership and collaboration within the nursing community at a provincial level.